Tracy wants to hear from you! The Specific Plan process provides residents, businesses, and interested parties the chance to help guide the future of Downtown Tracy. We believe that your voice is vital to producing a Specific Plan that reflects the community’s vision and priorities for the city’s future. Public input is meticulously reviewed and documented to ensure City staff and decision-makers have a full understanding of public sentiment when developing the Specific Plan.
There are several ways for you to participate in the creation of the Downtown TOD Specific Plan.
Online Survey
An online survey was posted here on the project website from March 28, 2022 through April 30, 2022. It had 154 total respondents. You may download a summary of the results here. A second survey covering additional topics will be posted in the coming months.
Community Meeting
A community meeting will be held to collect input that will help form the draft Specific Plan. The date and location will be posted HERE once determined.
Public Review of the Draft Specific Plan
The Draft Specific Plan will be made available to the public on this website for review and feedback before it is finalized.
City Council and Planning Commission Meetings
The City will conduct public meetings before the City Council and Planning Commission to consider the Downtown TOD Specific Plan. Community members are encouraged to attend these meetings. The dates will be posted HERE once determined.
How can I stay informed about participation opportunities and the Plan’s progress?
Sign-up here to receive periodic updates on the project and be notified of upcoming meetings. Your email address will remain private and we will not share it with anyone else.